Visions To The The: A Millionaires Secret Formula To Productivity, Visualization, And Meditation is being widely referred to as the "Think and Grow Rich" of our generation. And it just may be the simplest, most effective way to create the life you’ve always wanted, and faster than you ever thought possible.

Are you struggling to grow your business? Are you tired of having mediocre results only to see others achieve top performance status?
 No matter what your definition of success is, each one of us out there has the dream of being successful. 

Maybe you want to be an entrepreneur, business owner, coach, or salesperson. Maybe you just have the dream of living a level 10 life and achieving all your goals. 

Success of this magnitude does not have to continue to be a dream. It can be a reality.

 Visions To The Top reveals the proven approach that all the top experts and millionaires are using to become successful: Increasing finances, overall happiness, and physical well being. 

From Napolean Hill to Tim Ferriss, from Tony Robbins to Albert Einstein - and’ll discover their top techniques on visualization, meditation, productivity, and be given the tools you need to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind to build your dream life, create long term wealth, ultimately live intentionally with true fulfillment.

You may be asking yourself:  How is it possible to live your dream life with how busy you are? And how can you be more productive and make more money now and in the future? How can you seize opportunities with ease? 

In this conversational, and action-oriented book, Justin Ledford answers each of these questions and much more through a tried, tested, and proven Daily V.I.S.I.O.N.S™ formula.

With raving reviews for Visions To The Top, Ledford has personally used every piece of information in this book for himself. In this how to guide the reader will be given: 

· A guide to getting more done in less time without getting stuck 

· How to use visualization and meditation to create the life of your dreams in a way that isguaranteed for success 

· A fail safe blueprint for creating long term wealth, how to retire in the top 5%, and live a life of comfort and ease that 95% of world misses out on.

· How to use specific techniques for positive change in your life and transform your business 

· And Much, Much More

 No matter your level of success currently, whether you feel like you’re happy just getting by or you want more abundance and options — know that by following the information in Visions To The Top, you can successfully achieve your best life ever.

Most importantly, you can use these tactics to grow your business, make more money and help more people.

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